Crane rental J.Helaakoski Oy Quality Policy
1. Customer orientation: We understand our customers’ needs and strive to exceed their expectations by providing exceptional service and quality in all our operations.
2. Continuous improvement: We are committed to continuous learning and improvement. We strive to improve our processes, products and services continuously.
3. Commitment of personnel: We believe that quality arises from the skills and commitment of our personnel. We strive to train our personnel continuously, We encourage and support career development of our employees.
4. Quality management: Quality management is the responsibility of every employee. Management commitment is a key role in the continuous development of quality.
5. Risk management: We identify, assess and manage risks that may affect our operations quality and we constantly strive to minimize them. 6. Compliance with legislation and standards: We are committed to complying with all our activities related laws, regulations and standards. 7. Environmental responsibility: We pay attention to the environment in all our operations and strive to minimize the environmental impact of our operations.
8. Service promise: We serve customers 24 hours a day, every day of the year. The purpose of this quality policy is to guide the company’s operations to achieve its goals and ensure the quality of the service offered to customers.